PDGA: #188588



  • Caurus Egra Open 2023 Champion
  • ADD 2024 Champion
  • Mladá Boleslav Open 2024 Champion

Favorite throw:

Hyzer flip backhand

Favorite course:


About Josef:

Josef comes from Eastern Bohemia, where he proudly represents Floppy Disk Choltice. He has been passionate about disc sports for a long time. He initially started with Ultimate, but after more than 10 years, he switched to Disc Golf in 2020. Disc Golf captivated him so much that he immediately began considering the possibility of making his own discs. After some time, with the help of Lukáš, he managed to do so and has been fulfilling his dream ever since. At Wingman, he is involved in managing the company, designing discs, brand awareness and marketing.

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